The project aims to turn an existing XIXth century building into a municipal Social Services Centre, to serve Poble Sec neighborhood, in the Sants-Montjuïc district.
The new centre is an existing four-storey building placed between party walls in a plot that faces two streets. Since nowadays the upper floors were used as housing and the ground floor by neighborhood associations.The proposal adapts the whole building, including structure, in order to fulfill the new uses demands. No volumetric alterations have been done and it was only removed a poor added part in Fontrodona street in order to adapt the building to the rest of surrounding buildings.
On the exterior envelope (façades and roof), a complete renovation is done to fulfill the regulations on thermal insulation and watertightness. No changes are done on openings, but the ground floor windows and doors are modified to turn coherent and added materials are removed to recover the original image. Thus, in Roser street the existing windows become larger to recover the historical solution that exists in the rest of the neighbor buildings, probably the original one. The façades are stuccoed and new wood windows are added.
The project takes advantage of the two existing façades to opposite streets, to solve two different entrances for public and private use. Public areas are in the ground floor whereas offices and restricted acces work spaces are placed in the upper levels.